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Make Them Hear You

Click here for music pdf

Click here for Changes (inserts)



Make Them Hear You - Due Sunday, January 24th - I extended the deadline through the following weekend so everyone can have plenty of time and NO STRESS!!!


  • If you can record two voice parts, that would be really helpful!  

    • We can always use a few more Tenor parts from the Altos or Baritones...

    • And if there are only one or two small spots where the 1's and 2's are different, you could JUST re-record that spot WITHOUT re-recording the whole song!


  • The instructions below tell you how to record the song in 8-9 small chunks.

    • If anyone would like to record larger chunks, that makes it easier for me to put together, but it is NOT necessary.


  • The links to the recording files are INSIDE of the pdf document called "Make Them Hear You - Instructions for Recording Sections"

    • ​Click HERE for that document​
    • You can either click on the link inside of the pdf OR copy and paste the link


  • Below is EVERYTHING you need to know.  Please take your time and go through each of the links/attachments carefully AND in the following order:


1.  PDF Score called, "Make Them Hear You - SATB - arr Hayes" (attached)


2.  YouTube Video of some rehearsal notes and an explanation of the changes I made:


3.  Make Them Hear You - Inserts

This document has the changes ready to be printed out neatly (or viewed on your screen) WITHOUT my usual scribblings!


4.  Make Them Hear You - Instructions for Recording

This document contains all of the LINKS for recording and the LINK for submitting along with a few final notes/details.

  • If clicking on the link does not work, just copy and paste it.

  • After the first page of notes, there are two pages for each voice part with links and clear directions.


5.  Please NAME the files you submit as in the example below (note the example of recording a Sop 2 section):


Soprano 1 - Stroud - part 1
Soprano 1 - Stroud - part 2
Soprano 2 - Stroud - part 2
Soprano 1 - Stroud - part 3


Please remember to ENJOY SINGING the piece and to HAVE FUN as you record it!  



LISTEN to your recordings to make sure there are no mistakes


Find the DROPBOX LINKS for each voice part in the Instructions document.

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